Well, what an amazing “Friends & Family Sunday” we had last week. Worshiping the Lord with all our guests felt like a packed Christmas or Easter service! It goes to show us God’s goodness in the amazing things he does through his people… especially when his people are willing to be used.
I’m inspired to believe that this kind of outreach is the best kind of outreach. There are so many ideas and methods out there for church growth—and many are great—but I have to say, nothing beats a personal invitation from someone who cares. So here’s a question to consider. What would happen if we were all inspired to live missionally every single week? Can you imagine what God might do through our continued personal outreach in our own communities?
Jesus took 12 ordinary guys and sent them into their neighborhoods to reach the people around them. And as the early church walked in the model of those original 12, “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47). What if we continued inviting someone to church (Or to our life group, fellowship group, or Bible study group) each week moving forward? I am dreaming with you that we’d eventually see our worship auditorium filled with those whom the Lord would draw to himself through our intentional, personal outreach.
I don’t know about you, but that gets me excited. Let’s continue reaching and inviting, and let’s see what God will do!