Another day to live life, another week to make an impact in the lives of others for the sake of our Savior. Whenever we lose our vision or purpose for what life is all about, lets remember our Savior's promise, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). Our lives are most abundant when we are walking closely with Jesus, while serving others sacrificially. Like Pastor Rick Warren reminds us, throughout his best selling book, "Purpose Driven Life", "Life is not about you!" If we can remember this one thing, what a difference it makes! :-)
What a special time we had this morning serving Starbucks coffee and donuts to the terrific staff at Oak Manor Elementary School. So thankful for these teachers and administrative staff, for their efforts to help educate and care for our students. You could feel the anticipation on campus for the possibilities that come with a new school year. Pray for their new principal, Chris, and his entire team, as the lead and serve our children in the coming year.
Thanks to the Thornhill's for hosting and serving us so well at our church potluck Sunday afternoon at their home. The conversations, fellowship, swimming and just plain hanging out together was good for the soul. Love the hospitality shown by so many in the church. So when are we doing this again? ;-)
We have had a terrific sign up for our Men's Breakfast this Saturday, August 25, from 7:30 - 9:00 in the Fellowship Hall. I am looking forward to getting to know these men better and then speaking on a topic, critically important for men today.
This coming Sunday I will begin a brief two week series entitled, "Terror Threats". This week we will see where these "unseen" spiritual threats come from, and then the following week discover "escape routes" God provides, so we might avoid these threats. Call up a friend, bring them with you, as we all continue to be encouraged and built up by God's living and active word each week.
Love being your pastor,