This Sunday morning will conclude our series, "Can You Hear Me Now?", with a message entitled, "When God is Silent". You've been there, haven't you? Those times when it seems like God has stopped speaking, or at least stopped speaking with you. When it seems like your prayers hit the ceiling and go no further. When you feel a gap between you and your Savior, that can't be bridged. Is God really silent at these times or is something else actually taking place? We will tackle this question, from the Bible, this Sunday morning. Be there and bring a friend who needs to be encouraged by God's word and His people. Now, for a word of encouragement and challenge to those of you receiving this update, who call New Life Community Church your church home. The Fall is a time for those who have not been around and active in church life to actively return; by participating in Sunday morning worship, serving and giving to this important work, staying tuned in during this important season of transition and continuing to share the love of Jesus with others, inviting them to join you in your homes and at church (Acts 2:42-47). I know how difficult "habit patterns" can be to break, I've had my share over the years. To pull back from church life happens, but is not a habit that is either helpful or beneficial. This is an important season at New Life when we need, "all hands on deck" in order to move forward with the Lord, as He leads. So, if these words are appropriate for you, receive them as encouragement from the Lord, who loves you and desires His best for your life. If you would like to chat please give me a call, otherwise I look forward to an enthusiastic family of worshipers this Sunday morning @ 9:30 a.m.! 😊 "We do life best, when we do it together!" Blessings, Pastor Mike
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